Calendula Horticultural Books

4719 Woodside Dr.

Anacortes, WA 98221


Tel: (360) 840-3728


Cookbooks for Sale

[11785] . Neues Praktisches Badisches Kochbuch. Karlsruhe: Walsch Und Vogel Karlsruhe, 1866. 9th Edition. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Hard Cover. Poor oder vollstaendige Anleitung zur schackhaften und wohlfeilen Zubereitung aller Suppen, Gemuese, Fleisch-, Fisch-, Mehl- und Eiersoeisen, Backwerke, Pasteten, Gelees, Cremes, Compots, warmer und kalter Getraenke, des Eingemachten, u.s.w. 12mo. Green boards (missing 1 inch of top spine). Sowing strong and tight. 324 Seiten.  $125.00

[11857] Barfoot O'Neil, Irene. 125 Years Olga Memories and Potlucks. Olga: 1996. 1st Edition. 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall. Soft Cover. Very Good 170 pages. Ringbound. A mixture of stories and local history by memory intermixed with recipes. Signed by local resident Marjorie Kingman.  $18.95

[11462] Lindlahr, Ana and Henry. The Nature Cure Cook Book and A B C of Natural Dietics. Chicago, IL: Nature Cure Publishing Co, 1918. 12th Edition. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Hard Cover. Very Good 469 pages. Purple cloth (a couple of small spot on front cover).  $50.00

[10741] Mertens, R and G. Junge. Obsteinkochbüchlein für den bürgerlichen und feineren Haushalt. Wiesbaden: Rud, Bechthold & Comp, 1918. 17th Edition. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Hard Cover. Very Good Behandlung des Frischobstes, sowie zur Herstellung von Pasten, Mus, Marmelade, Kraut, Gelee, Latwerge, Saft, Dunst- und Einmachobst, Limonadenessig und Essigfrüchten, anhangweise auch von Beerenobstweinen, alkoholfreien Weinen, Obstlikören und Obstessig. Die Gemüseverwertung im Haushalt.176 Seiten mit 70 Abbildungen. Neuer Halbleineneinband.  $32.95

[11861] Simon, Andre. A Concise Encyclopedia of Gastronomy. Section III: Vegetables. London: Wine and Food Society, 1942. Reprinted Edition. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Hard Cover. Very Good Comprising an alphabetical list of vegetables, herbs, salads, fungi and edible weeds, and a selection of American, English, French, Scottish and Welsh Recipes for their culinary preparation and presentation. 134 pages. Green cloth.  $9.95